The best things in life are free. Time is the most precious resource which is given to every one and which needs to be carefully managed. Money can buy a lot of things, but it can't buy an extra second.
The concept of time is so pervasive, and yet, it's so hard to define it without resorting to a circular reference. Time is mostly understood by the changes which occur over a given 'time period' (here's the circular reference).
When we choose to spend time doing something - like reading a book, going for a stroll or even doing nothing (what a waste!) - we are implicitly foregoing all the other possible alternatives to spend the same time - and there's no return. You can't turn back the clock. What a tough choice!
That makes time so most precious!Time is also one of the most precious gift one can give to anybody. Our time, our full attention and our dedication is priceless!
It seems to me, that most people live their lives like they would live forever. Fear and pride often lead us to do nothing, to say nothing... and therefore we miss many opportunities... that are gone forever and that we later regret. How different it would be if we would learn that we have only a small amount of time to live.
In terms of scale, when compared to the age of the universe - currently estimated around 14 billion years - a human life is less than a fraction of a second...
Personally, I feel that time moves faster as I got older. When I was young, days were endless and countless... and I could hardly wait to become eighteen. But nowadays, time move so fast... days quickly turn into weeks, months and years...
Well... spend your time well, and above all, make each moment count!
“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.” - Albert Einstein