For sure, all of us have our personal experiences about things we did, which we wished we did differently... even if only curiosity to know what it would be like if we have chosen a different path. Our jobs, our education, our friends and our loves are often dictated by random events, special circumstances, apparent coincidences or even fate. There is no such thing as destiny... we all create and write our destiny, with every small decision and every small action.
Like the Chaos Theory, our the path of our lives move in twisted turns and are deeply intertwined with the lives of other persons and with the environment. Similarly, like the effects on weather caused by the fluttering of the wings of a butterfly in China, all of our own decisions and actions, no matter how small and insignificant they may seem, in the long term, they will change the World.
Looking at life this way, every moment of every living being becomes truly special.
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