I just finished reading the book "
Economics for Real People" by Gene Callahan written in 2004. I feel like a veil has been removed from my eyes. Our schools, governments and media constantly brainwash us with Keynesian ideas which are just plain wrong. An alternative Economic Theory exists: the
Austrian School, founded by Carl Menger (in the photo) in 1871. If you want to understand how the current crisis originated and where the economy is heading, you don't have to look no further - just read the book! Look also for "Peter Schiff" in You Tube to get a glimpse of the Austrian School ideas which go against currently established conventional wisdom. A few key points (from my review of the book in Amazon):
- Real economic growth can only be achieved through Production and Savings and not through Consumption and Debt
- The only real money is attached to a real collateral, such as gold as opposed to the current paper money that the central banks are happy to print out of air
- Central banks should not have the power to "print money" or fix interest rates
- Government intervention should be minimal - subsidies, protectionism, price fixing, regulation, public spending are to be avoided
- Free Markets with the Law of Supply and Demand will tend to maximize the value and wealth of both the individual and sociey
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