From very young, we are taught to accept as true, the teachings from our fathers, our teachers, our world leaders on every subject, from religion, sex, politics to economy, science and art. We are not encouraged to question or to challenge those teachings. In school, we are rewarded by our capability of memorizing instead of thinking.
It's very easy not to think. But the person who does not think for itself it's not free, it's a prisoner of others. Specially the media, they have the extremely powerful ability to distort, amplify, conceal, and deceive.
Speak your mind - no matter as crazy, as absurd, as provocative as it may be. Don't be afraid of expressing your opinion, even if unpopular or even if against conventional wisdom or established interests.
Inform yourself from various different sources with different perspectives.
Always keep an open mind, and above all, Think For Yourself!
To finish this post with a nice quote which sums it all up:
"The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking" - John Kenneth Galbraith
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